Building up traffic to your site through social media marketing

Social media is being used more and more by businesses who are wanting to increase their presents online and also to get referring traffic to their website. One of the many advantages of social media is that it is free but if you want to go the extra mile then you may consider doing some paid for advertising such as Facebook ads.

The great thing with the paid for advertising is that you can tailor your ads to create a specific group of people to show it to. This allows you to keep control of your budget and ensure your ad is only showing to people it may be relevant to. If for example you had a product that was most relevant to people between the ages of 18-35 then you could create them as your target group. You can also narrow it down to only show to certain geographical locations.

When using social media to build up traffic to your site, you need to give people a reason to click on a link that is directed through to a page on your main website. This may be a competition where people have to complete their details on your site or you can give someone a few lines of an article and allow them to read the rest of it on your site.