Deciding on the best PPC campaign for your business

PPC is becoming an essential marketing method for businesses of different sizes but there are a lot of providers to choose from. So you have more of an idea on who to choose, Social Media Marketing Services (SMMS) are giving you a quick guide.

  • Google Adwords is a PPC provider which will definitely allow your business to reach a wide audience. But it’s not just the huge user base that makes Google a good option, they can search specifically through multiple channels, and you can even use AdWords to remarket and persuade visitors (who did not make a purchase) with additional attempts.
  • Bing Ads is significantly cheaper than Google, and that’s partly because it has a much smaller user base, however, there are still unique individuals to target, and Bing Ads can be play an important role in maximising a return on investment.
  • Facebook is another with a big user base, and though it is not a search engine, it uses a PPC style to attract customers. It can use information such as interests, age, gender and location to target a customer.
  • LinkedIn has a professional user base, and  again it can target with precision, selecting details such as job title, job functions, and company type etc, while its user base is growing.
  • Foursquare Ads targets local people, and it helps business get more people (physically) into their stores. Foursquare is social network used to find out where to go next or check-in in various places, and it allows businesses to target people who actually have money to spend on a business’s products.

PPC campaigns should be carefully considered, so make sure your businesses targets the right customer and choose your provider wisely.