Advertising on social media, how much is too much

Advertising using any format has always been down to a delicate balance, too little and your advertising isn’t effective, too much and you can actually annoy potential customers and reduce your uptake on offers or services. So how do you find that balance?

It’s said that a potential customer needs to see an advert an average of three times for them to take notice and store the information from the advert. With that in mind repetition can certainly be effective as long as its not too noticeable.

Using social media is a great tool for advertising as you are able to tailor you advert and send it to only people who fit into certain categories meaning that the advert is likely to be more relevant to them.  If you decide that you want to send your advert only to people aged between 18-25, for example, you may want to tailor the language you use to be less formal and include more slang or current popular youth culture words.

You may want to consider running your advertising campaign for a fairly short amount of time but in concentrated bursts, this will give you the repetition you need without annoying customers who will have seen your advert regularly.

Its always worth carefully tracking the impact your advertising campaign has had to help you in the future to judge just how much is enough when it comes to repetition. Asking for customer feedback on where they saw your advert is a great way of doing this.