Keeping your social media accounts positive

There is no doubt that social media can have a fantastic impact on a business. It an build up brand awareness, increase enquiries and increase sales but if not used correctly it can have a negative impact.

You may find that people have started to leave reviews on your social media accounts or that they have mentioned your company in one of their posts. IT is always a good idea to acknowledge any activity on social media. If they have put a nice comment on about your company then a quick thank you to them can go a long way, but if they have put something negative on there then it is important to think carefully before responding. Arguing with a member of the public on social media is never a good idea and not only will you upset that person you may find that you get a lot of bad press from the other people reading or commenting on the post too. If you do receive negative feedback then it is best to acknowledge it and then ask the person if they can contact you or you can contact them directly to discuss it.